
Our Atlanta, Georgia Accident Attorneys Can Help You Receive Compensation for Facial Injuries

Facial injuries are painful, costly to treat, and very visible. If you suffer a facial injury, the Atlanta, Georgia accident attorneys at Van Sant Law, LLC can help you to obtain compensation from the person responsible. Give us a call or get in touch with us online to schedule a free consultation and learn more.

Types of Accidents Resulting in Facial Injuries

Your face is perhaps the most visible part of your body, so an injury to the face can be devastating. Unfortunately, facial injuries occur often, usually as a result of a blow to the face, exposure to something sharp, or chemical or other burns. While many different types of accidents can result in damage to your face, some of the most common reasons for facial injuries include:

These are just a few of the top causes of facial injuries. The sad reality is that when people are negligent, careless, or take dangerous risks, you could suffer as a result of their choices.

Types of Facial Injuries

Many different types of facial injuries can occur depending upon the accident or incident that hurt you. Some of the different types of facial injuries include:

  • Broken bones, including the jawbone, the bones of the eye socket or the nose
  • Cuts and bruises, which can sometimes result in permanent scarring
  • Burn injuries, which almost always result in permanent scarring even if you opt for expensive skin grafts
  • Deformities, including sunken cheekbones that are caused by damage to the facial bones

These and other facial injuries can be devastating as there is no way to hide the harm that you suffered. You may need expensive medical treatment, including plastic surgery. You may also be in a significant amount of pain due to your condition. You deserve to be fully compensated.

Request a Free Consultation

If you’ve suffered facial injuries in an accident attributed to someone’s negligence, you should speak with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our office directly at 855.GA.INJURY or 404.991.5950 to schedule your free consultation.

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