
Speed Limit Laws in Georgia: How Do They Play a Role in Your Car Accident Case?

Speed limits are set as a way to control traffic, but also for safety. Georgia law defines the maximum speed limits that motorists must comply with when traveling on Georgia roadways. Driving over these speed limits could result in citations, but also could be considered negligent. Excessive speeding could result in a fine, license suspension or revocation, or even an arrest.

Rural Freeway Limits

Georgia’s rural highways and interstates limit speeds to 70 miles per hour. Rural interstates are those that pass through rural and sparsely populated regions of the state – where vehicles can safely travel at faster speeds. Trucks are also limited to 70 miles per hour on rural interstates.

Urban Freeway Limits

Urban freeways are those that pass through highly populated areas, as well as cities. The maximum speed limit for these roadways is 65 miles per hour.

Divided Roadways

The maximum speed limit allowed on a divided road in the state is 65 miles per hour. Divided roads will have concrete medians or buffer zones that separate opposing traffic lanes. These medians help prevent drivers from dangerous head-on collisions, which is why faster speeds are permitted.

Undivided Roadways

Undivided roadways are those that pass through residential areas, small back roads, or other roadways that have no center dividers to prevent motorists from head-on collisions. The speed limit for these types of roadways is 55 miles per hour – in residential neighborhoods, it is more likely to drop to 45 miles per hour.

Residential Areas

Residential zones typically have a maximum speed of 45 miles per hour, but this speed could vary greatly depending on the actual street. Residential districts are in charge of setting their own speed limits; therefore, some neighborhoods may have a maximum speed of only 25 miles per hour. If you are driving through a residential neighborhood, be on the lookout for school zones, construction zones, or hospitals – these have slower speed limits and stricter enforcement.

What Happens When You Fail to Obey Speed Limits?

Driving over the posted speed limit, as well as driving too fast for the weather conditions, is against the law. It can result in a speeding ticket, points against your driver’s license, or even a license suspension. If you are a repeat offender, the state may revoke your driver’s license altogether.

Were You Injured by a Speeding Motorist?

Driving faster than the posted speed limit is against the law, and considered a sign of negligence. If you were involved in an accident with a speeding motorist, you may have a case for personal injury. To have your injury claim assessed, contact the Atlanta personal injury team at Van Sant Law. You can schedule a consultation at 404-991-5950 or fill out our online contact form with your legal questions. Contact us today.

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