
Causes of Truck Accidents

If you or a loved one were injured in a truck accident, you may be able to make a claim for monetary damages. To obtain the compensation that Georgia law allows, get help from an experienced Atlanta, Georgia truck accident lawyer at Van Sant Law, LLC Give us a call toll free at (855) 424-6587 today to learn how we can assist with your truck accident claim.

Truck Accidents in the United States

Each year, trucks throughout the United States move approximately 11 billion tons of freight. This freight moves throughout the entire United States and, as the American Trucking Association indicates, about 80 percent of all communities in the U.S. receive all or most of their goods and raw materials via truck.

As these trucks move throughout the U.S., they put other motorists at risk of becoming involved in a serious accident. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicates that 12 percent of all car accident deaths in 2011 occurred in accidents involving a large truck that weighed 10,000 pounds or more.

Large trucks are more difficult to drive than passenger cars and the chances of a serious accident are much greater. This is why drivers need a special license to operate a large truck. Still, despite the added regulations imposed on truck drivers and despite the strict regulation of trucking companies, truck accidents continue to happen every day.

Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can be caused by driver error; maintenance problems; uneven loads or a host of other issues. In many cases, however, the truck driver does something to cause the accident to occur. In fact, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) estimates that around 31-percent of deadly truck accidents occur as a result of driver-related factors.

Some of the top causes of truck accidents that can occur include:

  • Maintenance problems.
  • Commercial DUIs.
  • Tailgating.
  • Driver fatigue.
  • Driver negligence.
  • Winter weather.
  • Truck blind spots.

When an accident happens, it is important to discover the underlying cause. This is because a truck driver and trucking company can be held legally responsible and made to pay compensation to victims of accidents they cause.

An Atlanta, Georgia Truck Accident Lawyer Can Help

If you or a loved one was injured in a truck accident, you can be compensated for medical bills and costs; lost income/wages; pain and suffering; emotional distress and wrongful death damages if the truck wreck causes fatalities. However, it is your burden to prove that the other driver or trucking company was to blame for the accident.

You can obtain legal compensation from the driver any time he broke safety rules or was unreasonably careless. Trucking companies are considered "vicariously" liable for accidents caused by their employees, which means that a trucking company can be sued if the driver it employs is negligent or breaks the rules. Finally, trucking companies can also be legally liable in their own right if they are negligent in adhering to safety policies or industry precautions.

To make a successful claim for damages this means you will need evidence to show the accident cause. At Van Sant Law, LLC, our experienced Atlanta, Georgia truck accident lawyers will help you to build your case so you can get the money you deserve.

To learn more about how we can help, give us a call today at (855) 424-6587 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with our Atlanta, Georgia truck accident attorneys.

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