Seeking Compensation for Restaurant Slip and Fall Injuries

liability after slip and fall in restaurant Van Sant LawRestaurants are bustling, high-trafficked areas that require regular cleaning and other maintenance to ensure the safety of patrons. When restaurant owners, management, and staff fail to take proper precautions, serious slip and fall accidents and injuries can occur.
If you were hurt in a slip and fall incident at a Georgia restaurant, you may be entitled to compensation if you can prove your injuries were the direct result of a business’s negligence.
Many hazardous conditions can lead to restaurant slips and falls, including:

  • Greasy, wet, or uneven flooring
  • Loose or torn carpeting
  • Debris or poorly-positioned furniture
  • Displays or electrical cords in walkways
  • Poor lighting
  • Icy, uneven, or broken exterior stairs and walkways

Restaurant owners or managers who knew about potentially dangerous conditions but failed to take action to correct issues or adequately warn patrons may be liable for resulting accidents and injuries. Though entertainment often portrays slip-and-fall accidents as relatively minor, these incidents can lead to significant health conditions, such as broken bones, concussions, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), spinal cord injuries, paralysis, and other concerns.

What to Do After a Georgia Restaurant Slip and Fall

These tips can help protect your right to a fair financial recovery following a slip and fall accident:

  • Collect evidence. Take photos at the scene of the accident, paying particular care to show where exactly the fall occurred and any obvious causes, such as wet or uneven flooring. Write down the contact information of anyone who may have witnessed the fall.
  • Report the fall. Tell the restaurant owner, manager, or a staff member that you fell, but avoid going into detail about your injuries or what you were doing at the time of the incident.
  • Seek medical attention. It’s essential to be seen by a doctor right away after a slip and fall accident, even if you don’t feel seriously hurt. Post-fall adrenaline can mask injuries, and some fall-related maladies may not be readily apparent. For these and other reasons, it’s essential to document the accident and your injuries with a physician.

How Van Sant Law Can Help

If you’ve been injured due to neglect while on someone else’s property, you need to speak with an experienced premises liability lawyer as soon as possible. Contact us online or call our office directly at 855.GA.INJURY or 404.991.5950 to schedule your free consultation.

Injured because of someone else’s negligence? Find out how our personal injury lawyers can help!



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