
No One Plans to Have an Accident on Vacation

Students and families around Georgia are making their spring break plans. For many, this means jumping in the car with the family and heading off to the beach, the ski resort, or a campground. Starting in mid-March, Georgia highways will be full of families like that, as well as college students heading in and out and through Atlanta, Savannah, Myrtle Beach, Florida…we’re in the middle of a big traffic flow year round, but spring break can bring more traffic through Georgia than other times of the year.
Vacation time can also be stressful time, especially if you are traveling a great distance, carrying a large group, or spending a lot of money. The last thing you need is a car accident.
As an Atlanta car accident lawyer, I typically see a rise in my caseload this time of year. Sadly, many families that head out for a fun vacation end up with anything but. Smart travelers know that they have to be overly cautious during heavy travel periods. But accidents do happen.
So, if you’re heading out on a family vacation, what do you need to know about accident avoidance? If you have an accident out of state, what should you do?
I tell clients that accidents that occur away from home are no different than if you are home. Certainly, it can be an even bigger hassle, but otherwise, the process is the same. Don’t wait until you get home to contact a personal injury lawyer if you have an accident while on vacation.
The second call accident victims typically make after calling 911 for medical assistance is to their insurance company. This isn’t always a satisfying experience, particularly if the car involved in the accident has been rendered out of service, if you’re using a rental car, or if members of your party have been injured and transported for medical treatment. The costs incurred when hospitals or medical bills are involved can make a family vacation look like pennies by comparison.
So, if you are the victim of a car accident and you are away from home on vacation, the third call you need to make is to a personal injury attorney. The attorney can provide you with advice specific to your situation. He or she will advise you on dealings with insurance, take information related to the circumstances of the accident, provide you with a list of the types of receipts you will want to keep, and he or she can begin working with your insurance company to speed up emergency assistance.
If you decide to rent a car for your vacation, make sure that your personal insurance coverage is adequate to cover any repairs or injuries sustained if you are involved in an accident in that car.

Have You Been Injured In A Georgia

If you’ve been injured in an
accident you should speak with an experienced
personal injury attorney as soon as
possible. Please contact us online
or call our office directly
at 855.GA.INJURY or
404.991.5950 to schedule
your free consultation.

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