
Alpharetta Motorcycle Lawyer Says Knowing the Rules is the First Step

If you’ve ever thought of getting a motorcycle, here are a few things you should know: First of all, motorcycle drivers in the state of Georgia are required to be at least 17 years old. Drivers who start out with a driving permit can only drive during daylight hours, can’t drive with any passengers, and have to have all safety equipment required by law. Once you have passed the written and driving tests, restrictions on your license are lifted.

Georgia Motorcycle Safety Program

The Georgia Motorcycle Safety Program covers two different courses. One for basic/beginner riders, and another for advanced or experienced motorcycle riders. When taking a class, you must have all the required gear. That includes:

  • An approved helmet with eye protection (face shield, goggles, etc.)
  • Full-fingered gloves (preferably leather)
  • Over-the-ankle boots (high-top tennis shoes or athletic-style shoes are not allowed)
  • A long-sleeved shirt or jacket
  • Long pants (no holes and not torn

Protective clothing is incredibly important for motorcycle drivers and their passengers. You can find protective clothing at any motorcycle shop or online. Equipment made specifically for motorcycle riding typically will protect the best.

Motorcycle Safety Manuals Are Your Friend

Motorcycle safety manuals provide information about rider safety, rules of the road, and safe driving tips. For example, did you know that you should be in good shape to ride a motorcycle? Did you know that there are rules for riding in a group that are different than rules for riding alone? What about state laws regarding passengers or carrying animals or other cargo?
This week, we’ll share some tips and hints for safe motorcycle riding, proper equipment, and some rules for sharing the road with motorcycles.

Contact a Georgia Motorcycle Lawyer

In the meantime, stay safe on the road, and if you are ever injured in a motorcycle accident, contact David Van Sant, an Alpharetta Personal Injury Lawyer who handles motorcycle accidents and works with accident victims.

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