
Contamination of Water Cause for Class Action Personal Injury Suits

The goal of the team at Van Sant Law, is to protect victims of personal injury as well as keep them up-to-date regarding new cases and changes in the law. In response to a recent case which took place in Charleston, West Virginia, David Van Sant had the following observations. He commented that the attorney in the case filed three personal injury lawsuits because C8 was found in water supplies. It is believed that the local water may have been contaminated by DuPont. If this is the case, the number of incidents will undoubtedly rise as exposure to C8 can lead to a number of different diseases.
In the Wood County Circuit Court, a class action lawsuit has been filed. The lawsuit states that this potentially dangerous substance may have been contaminating water in the area since as early as the 1950s. DuPont manufactures Teflon and other products, products which used C8 in their production. A science panel has found that exposure to C8 can lead to pregnancy-induced hypertension, kidney cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid disease, and ulcerated colitis. Due to these findings, DuPont is not able to argue that C8 can cause certain diseases.
Attorney Van Sant also stated that in cases involving a class action lawsuit, it is imperative that you have legal representation on your side that you can trust. He also stated that those who have been exposed to toxic substances like C8 may not see the consequences for years. Therefore, just because you may not be showing any symptoms as of yet, it does not mean that it will not happen.

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